why is one bitcoin worth so much Bitcoin cash vs
Have y'all heard about Bitcoin? That digital currency that everyone been talkin' 'bout. People been sayin' it's valuable, like really valuable. But why tho? Well, I did some diggin' and here's what I found out. Why Is Bitcoin So Valuable? First of all, Bitcoin is decentralized. That means ain't nobody in charge of it. No banks, no governments. And that's pretty dang cool. You know how sometimes you wanna send money but the banks take forever and charge you all kinda fees? Well, with Bitcoin, you can send money instantly and the fees are super low. Plus, you ain't gotta worry 'bout nobody tellin' you what you can and can't do with your own money. Another reason Bitcoin is valuable is 'cause there's only gonna be 21 million of 'em. And right now, there's already been over 18 million Bitcoins mined. That means there's only a few left to be found. So, just like anything else that's rare, Bitcoin's gonn...